That was before the lukewarm reception to Vince and Jules I'm guessing. If they were runaway smashes, we probably would have seen more PF characters by now. Same with Johnny Ringo.
Yes! Mr Blonde would be awesome. :lecture
In fact anything Reservoir Dogs would be sweet.
:yess: now we are 5 ....
I think Blonde pretty much encompses the jist of what Reservior Dogs was. Blonde is significant enough to carry it as representative of Reservoir Dogs. That character instantly reminds people of the film.
Very true. You know what'd make it awesome? Mega DX includes cop tied to chair![]()
Haha, I'd settle for just the severed ear but I think sideshow also did the tortured cop, it was like an extremely limited release made in very very low numbers. Like a comicon type of exclusive.
Another vote here for a Forrest Gump pack including:
View attachment 160238
I know that he's not the usual Rainman's tortured character, but he's no doubt one of the most iconic characters from the 90s films.