Full figure Star Wars Jedi project - Saesee tiin, Ki adi mundi , Even piell, Ayla Secura custom sculpt + clothes by 2ouble8ight

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Dec 15, 2020
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Hello all the Stars wars fans ! Few months ago Hot toys announced a news of Mace Windu and Padawan Anakin who are the members of the Jedi Council.

To continue the Jedi collection, I decided to make all the major jedis of the council. Please give your interests so I can also make other jedis too.

Headsculpt (made by JB_hand) for those on the title are fully ready, and Saesee tiin and Ki adi mundi's hand/lightsaber accessories are also available


The clothes will be made by 2ouble8ight, he already made jedi clothes a few times, and JB and 2ouble8ight made a great piece of young anakin this time, so quality is approved :)


<Price Info>

Kiadi mundi/Saesee Head: 130usd,
Hand accessories also purchasable
Even Piell: 120usd
Ayla Secura :110usd

We're expecting the clothes to be around 150usd

PM me or post a comment below :)
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I've seen his work, I'm a customer of his. He does incredible jobs. I just prefer to buy the clothes and heads together (a full project) if at all possible. If the clothes don't happen, I don't want to end up with just the heads.

When are the clothes scheduled to be made?
i need to send the bodies to him for prototype. i asked him to make it quickly in few months