I got word from Aaron and he says the clothing will be finished by the 17th according to Sil, then she'll ship it to me, it normally takes a week from Sil to me.
Great news! Thanks for following that up Johnny, can't wait!
I got word from Aaron and he says the clothing will be finished by the 17th according to Sil, then she'll ship it to me, it normally takes a week from Sil to me.
Good to see you back buddy .
Clothing sets have been sent :rock
I have sent the tracking number to Johnny
Awesome news, welcome back Aaron, looking forward to Rocky!
Great news! Now you can go.:wave
My concern is that the arms and legs would be too big.if anyone have pics to share with this body i would love to see it.
Sorry man, I didn't notice your post till right now. I didn't get a chance to take pics yet but I will by the weekend. I can assure you that the arms are a perfect size; the fill the jacket perfectly while not being packed in too tightly. The body even looks good in the shirt without the jacket. The thighs are a smidge bigger than the 19 but I got the pants on pretty effortlessly. They're definitely tight and I couldn't get the pants all the way over the butt; so he has a little plumber crack action going on but it's all covered by the shirt & jacket. You just have to do a little futzing to line everything up right.
Welcome Back Aaron,good to see that you're still around
I would love to see it all dressed up with the Wolverine body.Would help me with my decision on which body to use so any help from someone here that use that body would be greatly appreciated![]()
This is the Wolvie body