tantive IV

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Mesa not talking jar jar. Mesa talking Dutch :p



Finaly got some work done...and got some measurements for those interested. Still in awe of Feroze's diorama. How did he make that BBQ...?:dunno
This is looking great! BTW, have a link to this other dio you mentioned?

For everyone from the US, those sizes are in cm, so don't freak out. ;) Still a beast, but can you imagine it in inches?
Wow they are awesome. Really make the figure look real.

Dude! Dutchman, you're amazing! These look like screen grabs!!

Wonderful pics mate. Good stuff.

I am in awe of the talent on display here. So cool and ingeniously executed - perfect use of space.

I really appreciate you guys taking the time to post your positive comments. It makes building new diorama's more fun....thanks!!
Thanks for posting the measurements my friend. I am actually looking at my space to see how much room I have/need. :)

Your build is looking great so far!! Outstanding work as usual. I can't wait to see it finished.

Yes, Feroze's dio was truly epic. That was so much fun following the progress of that build.
Do you have a making of tantive iv or could you tell us how you made it? What materials etc? Would be awesome for my detolf.




Sanded, plastered and first try on the paintjob.....Not happy with the archglyphs (needs to be wider) and the weathering is to yellow. What do you guys think? When I'm satisfied with the repaint I will start on the backpiece....
Love it. And the cannabis leaf the Jawa is holding. Is he the same Jawa in charge of filling Jaba's pipe? ;)
The build looks great. Is there supposed to be a relief pattern on the stairs? Never noticed before. As for color, its hard to tell from a pic but it may be a bit too yellow/brown. Tone it down to a more neutral beige perhaps.

I really need to do this, at least the steps surrounding the Dais.