tantive IV

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that looks awesome...........& i love the idea of stackable envirnonments. reminds me of those ultarama stands that were interchangable. brilliant.

Broke my back putting it outside but... nothing beats natural lighting. Guess that I'll need a spotlight or two for inside....:) I will shoot another couple of pics when the lights are installed.
Even before the docking bay dio was finished I've been thinking of a new project. With a wife and 2 kids my SS collection isn't that impressing. I've got a jedi Luke and Bib. As I'm not that impressed with the look on Luke's face I thought that Luke's entrance in Jabba's palace would be a nice way to hide Luke's face.


The pic below is what I will need to make to create the scene...


But nothing is certain, I'm still thinking outloud...
That is just amazing. I love the Sandie Dio. Can't wait to see the Jabba Dio when you get it finished. Please keep making these as you are an inspiration to all of us.
hahahah lookin great mate and the outside shot really makes it!!!

jabbas stairs would be cool.... but just go the whole hog and make the palace hahahahah
How did you learn to make dios? They are incredible and want those skills. :lol

Thanx for the kind words. I've had some practice with hasbro 3 3/4 inch figures. That's how I got the basic skills. Just keeping my eyes peeled for the gribblies, picking stuff up if I think I can use with little modifications. Other than that, trial and error I say...:lecture

Hi Sideshow sailors, just back from vacation and still two week until work so..... time for another diorama!!!:yess:
First stage done, tomorrow: rest of the stairs, back wall and so forth...
Freaking Awesome man! I've only got 1 good dio out of all my tries and you're 3 for 3. Impressive skills my friend. Can't wait to see more.
whoa...............that thing is massive.............:lecture

yea yea............thats what she said...............:pfft:
