Super Freak
Smh I should have known better than to state a simple opinion on this forum....enjoy your bill guys. I'll be over here hoping to see hot toys do another iron man....WE NEED EVERY VERSION!!!!!!!!! Lol
She didn't even state that she will do it yet?
I just talk to Daniel Day Lewis he said it's cool
Are you guys really going on about this? What is wrong with people wanting this outfit? Who is it hurting, its a clothing set, not a full figure or a new figure by Rainman or Iminime taking place of something that could be done like you guys are saying, look around there are like 50 Yunsil Outfit threads, not seeing the big deal, seems to me people don't want their Bill the Butcher's overshadowed by a new outfit and look.
Never got why people who don't want said thing go into the thread about wanting said thing to say they don't want it and others shouldn't either...
Joned, you don't need this outfit... you need Bill rehabWere over 20 interested lets get this made !
Joned, you don't need this outfit... you need Bill rehab
Now that you mention it, I've never seen Joned and DDL in the same place...Maybe Joned is Daniel Day Lewis .......