Custom One-Sixth Figures Forum

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Only 5 people left to send their final payment.
I will close the list now, no more new comers.
And on May 15th, I will submit the order to Yunsil. So, for those left, please pay before that time or you'll miss out on this.
Thank you for everyone who committed to the end. Much appreciated.
10 days left for those who didn't pay their remaining balance.
I actually plan to submit it before waiting 10 more days!
This is the final reminder. :)
Not the kind of update we're looking for! But thought to let you know. :)
An email from Yunsil:

Hello. I'm yunsil.
You've waited a lot, haven't you?

Your project almost finished.
Jacket, tee,pants is finished.
but I don't work belt.

I 've been looking for buckle.
Please see a attached file.
I bought some buckle sample on 14th of july.
I received some of them on 26th of July.
but I received 4th of September.It's too late.
and That is little small. so, I cann't use it.
even if It is suitable, I cann't use it. because delivery period is too long.
I will try to find more buckle.
Please wait little more. I will show you soon.

Thank you.

We're finally close. ;)
Great news. Yunsil shipped the 27 sets to me.
I'll keep you updated when I receive them.
The last process is collecting shipping payments and get them out to you all.
Thank you so much for being so patient with me. Means a lot. :)
Great news. Yunsil shipped the 27 sets to me.
I'll keep you updated when I receive them.
The last process is collecting shipping payments and get them out to you all.
Thank you so much for being so patient with me. Means a lot. :)
I honestly forgot that it was ordered)
Question-what HS to use?
I saw a great HS but they only released 10 pieces(
I need a good HS)
Ideas? Suggestions?

I have one of the 10. It was a limited/private run.
A while ago, saw a great sculpt from Yh Ha. I don't know what happened after that if he offered them or not!