john hbk
Super Freak
just the suit for me Origami how soon we looking at postage with just the suit option?
just the suit for me Origami how soon we looking at postage with just the suit option?
hello i would like outfit and accessories set let me know thanks
well i did not see anywere on this that it said they were sold out also there is no place else to get so no hurt to ask and maybe someone will see my post and willing to sell there set thanks
thanks for pointing that out but it never hurts to ask maybe someone will be willing to get rid of theres also if there is a second run i would like to be put down for that thanks also you are very lucky to have some of these amazing figures.
thanks you for your help i also only collect for characters i love and when i buy there for keeps you seem to be into the same movies as i and if your ever willing to part with any of yours please be sure to let me know thanks, my main figures i want are Amsterdam or Calvin and to finish the bill im working on also did you buy the Bill v2 i missed my chance cause i did not know like everything else.