OK gentlemen. Here's the final proto. As you can see all the changes have been and I can't be happier. Jacket pocket moved to the correct position. Sleeves and bottom have been made longer. Collar fixed. Pocket flaps have been rounded off. Still not sure if this is the final leather. Keep forgetting to ask her. I'll get back to you on that. :lol
Shirt pocket stripe corrected. I asked her about the snaps being changed to magnets but she recommended using smaller snaps instead. She special ordered them and will send me pics of them asap. She used temporary magnets in the mean time.
The pants have been made baggier. That is not the final web belt and buckle. I'm gonna ask about the leather belt and holster soon.
Yunsil worked very hard on this prototype. As you can see in the note in one of the pics. Very happy with her services. She's simply the best. :1-1:
About the buttons, I'm thinking #8. Opinions?