Thanks shortround.
I'm very happy with the red vest. :yess: This is checked off my list. Now just waiting on the restock of the Head Sculpt to come.
Still waiting to hear from Rainman about it. I'll definitely update once I hear from him.
I'm having a hard time finding some HD/hi-res screencaps of the scene where he's wearing the red vest. If anyone can link me or post some. That would be great.
Definitely post an update when you hear from him. I got a big paycheck coming this Friday and I would like to know.
Well it definitely won't be this Friday. :lol That would be nice though. Most likely in the coming months. But this outfit won't start until July. So there's plenty of time.
Well I know. A man can dream can't he? :lol Do you have a price in mind for the outfit itself?
Not sure yet. It's going to include a black blazer, vest, shirt, tie and pants.
What about the gun and holster could that be offered also? Looking forward to this I hope it's done!
Not sure yet. It's going to include a black blazer, vest, shirt, tie and pants.
What about the gun and holster could that be offered also? Looking forward to this I hope it's done!
I'll take anything that Mike does, the Candyman items were excellent!
Interested in mikes stuff providing I wasn't to late for the outfit list as I asked days ago im hoping I wasnt
Also in for the Mike stuff!
Interested in Mike's stuff as well.
This is going to be a fantastic companion piece. Great choice on the outfit. Need to keep an eye out for the HS restock now (I'll probably have it tweaked so it doesn't just look like a repaint). I'll also be interested in the accessory pac. Maybe Corrose can produce some more sets of playing cards. I can't remember, did Doc have a pocket watch?
Please add me Hector. Thanks.
Please add me ShortRound, Thanks.