Hi Robbie, do we have any news on the accessories set? Last time you said DecWorking towards that date. Sorry for the delay
I'm working on it. When I said that date had assumed that the metal parts would be back from the plater and that I could work on them over our studio break. I'm full time at a studio and only can work on projects in my free time. The reality was that the plater took three months to ship the parts and then lost a large amount of the parts in the process. The upside is they found them and I now have everything in hand. Addition to taking for ever, I was informed I couldn't work in the studio during the holiday break which was unexpected. So that large amount of time didn't yield anything. Then I moved and took all my weekends to get that done. I am making progress on these as they are my primary focus. The boxes are almost done. Cutting, painting and assembling 55 boxes was fine in the old days when that was all I did but now it takes an entire day/weekend for a single step so progress is slow. The wooden handles of the canes are all painted and I'm starting the assembly. The rings are done. The watches look good but I need to get the dial inserts done. Still trying to get my laser back up and running since the move. This is my last big run of this kind. I'm officially out of this business but trying to complete as much of these older projects as I can. This one is priority as money has exchanged hands. Since taking this on, I've moved across the country, moved to three different places. And now work full time in a movie studio. A lot has happened. Again, this is my focus, to get these done. I'm doing the best I can. Sorry for the delay.Hi Robbie, do we have any news on the accessories set? Last time you said Dec
Hello, Robbie, I want to know when we can deliver the final payment.I'm working on it. When I said that date had assumed that the metal parts would be back from the plater and that I could work on them over our studio break. I'm full time at a studio and only can work on projects in my free time. The reality was that the plater took three months to ship the parts and then lost a large amount of the parts in the process. The upside is they found them and I now have everything in hand. Addition to taking for ever, I was informed I couldn't work in the studio during the holiday break which was unexpected. So that large amount of time didn't yield anything. Then I moved and took all my weekends to get that done. I am making progress on these as they are my primary focus. The boxes are almost done. Cutting, painting and assembling 55 boxes was fine in the old days when that was all I did but now it takes an entire day/weekend for a single step so progress is slow. The wooden handles of the canes are all painted and I'm starting the assembly. The rings are done. The watches look good but I need to get the dial inserts done. Still trying to get my laser back up and running since the move. This is my last big run of this kind. I'm officially out of this business but trying to complete as much of these older projects as I can. This one is priority as money has exchanged hands. Since taking this on, I've moved across the country, moved to three different places. And now work full time in a movie studio. A lot has happened. Again, this is my focus, to get these done. I'm doing the best I can. Sorry for the delay.