1/6 Episode 3 Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan custom Head Sculpts - INIGOU

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Also i need to ask one thing from you guys if you can help. what battery to add on the lightsaber . the person i got said that it can be sr416sw i also think the same. just want to check out first as i think i have this battery somewhere in my house.
Are those robes custom or did they come off a previous figure.
They lay down very nicely.
They look custom to me, the originals are on the non-custom figures. Your right they do lay down nicely and look great. Congrats memphismayfire85.
They look custom to me, the originals are on the non-custom figures. Your right they do lay down nicely and look great. Congrats memphismayfire85.

hi guys sorry for the delay the cloaks are original on both figures also on the sideshow figures as well. but since i got this set i changed the cloak for custom ones i will post the pictures . On the Anakin (sideshow figure only have boots and belt from original) im using custom cloak. Obi both are original from sideshow and from saga still.IMG_1879.JPGIMG_1876.JPGIMG_1880.JPG
Can you tel me how I can get one like this? I just order a Anakin sideshow today. And I want a nice head for it lol

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Can anyone help me!? lol need a custom Anakin sculpture head and painted

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Yeah I love collection but no that's too much for me as well. I wouldn't pay that for a damn statue

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You get what you pay for in this hobby. Premium price for a premium product. If you want cheap look to Hasbro. Cheap price means cheap quality.
Here are some pics of my 1/6 Episode 3 Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan custom Head Sculpts i made for Sean, a friend.
Head Sculpt painted by him.
Obi is only a teaser. Will be fully revealed soon.
Are not for sale, only for sharing :)
Hope you like them!!

1/6 Anakin Skywalker Head Sculpt
por inigou, en Flickr

1/6 Anakin Skywalker Head Sculpt
por inigou, en Flickr

1/6 Anakin Skywalker Head Sculpt
por inigou, en Flickr

1/6 Anakin Skywalker Head Sculpt
por inigou, en Flickr

1/6 Obi-Wan Kenobi Head Sculpt
por inigou, en Flickr
Anakin Skywalker looks really good. I wonder why hot toy's didn't do anything like that to Anakin. I love Anakin's hair sculpt the most, cause it just works.

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