Clothing set 2 final sets (Closed) [Toribox] Custom 1/6 'Ninja Master Outfit'

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Hi @Fan - Did you get the issue with the width of the collar for the jnix sculpt resolved? I may have missed an update, but I didn’t see any follow up post to confirm.

Hi Wayne,
Sorry I read your question before but missed to reply sooner, thanks for your kind reminder. I needed to double check again to be sure as honestly after the time the production took I wasn't sure anymore if the headsculpt by Creg or the headsculpt by Jnix had the wider neck of both. The difference is relatively subtle.

But it looks like the Jnix head has the wider neck and I had received the confirmation by Toribox accordingly as follows:

"4. wide of the shirt collar
I made it to fit around the neck of the big head.

All other final adjustments (Jacket length, V-shape of shirt collar & Lapel width) I had communicated as well and they were confirmed accordingly.
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It’s true fan did reply to my PM a week ago, but still then didn’t follow up to get my shipping info like he said he would.

not posting updates on this forum is absolutely absurd and beyond the easiest way to communicate mass messages to anyone in the list. Anyone who’s on a list of mine who’s not on the forums, I direct here. Why would you instead try to keep track of 70 private messages when there can be one central hub for everyone to be in the loop?? Of course, reply to the PMs as well. But not taking advantage of this tool, or starting another private Facebook group chat or something like that means you have no business handling any kind of custom run IMO

if he does end up following up by tomorrow and sending his PMs to everyone confirming shipping info, I’m cool with allowing him to finish this up.

if he doesn’t, Yunsil expressed to me she would be comfortable with me handing shipping duties. Especially knowing that the accessories are indeed being handled differently, I think it’s still an option on the table for us.

I don’t even think it was a matter of saving money (although I get a ups discount and ship much more affordable international then most others are able to) it was a matter of having someone trustworthy ship and finish out this project who will actually stand by their word, communicate with customers and keep everyone in the loop.

in any case, one more chance for fan to get done what he’s promised, and if he doesn’t, I’ll step up and get this wrapped up.
It’s true fan did reply to my PM a week ago, but still then didn’t follow up to get my shipping info like he said he would.
You messaged me on Monday, I replied the same day and assured it would happen in this week:

Since a few months is an incorrect status as it was listed as completed before it actually was, I hope I had communicated that in the thread before. However I caused a delay in the past weeks after completion as I need some free days with a free head to collect all addresses. Good thing is that in the meantime Toribox confrimed direct shipments for ALL non-EU orders in this projects.

I hurry and will PM everyone shortly in this this week to collect address infos and shipping fees.
Today is Sunday. Though I appreciate your support offer, I think it would have helped everyone a lot more if you had shared the info from my reply. Even if it was of course my mistake not to post it before myself. I already underlined that several times though.

not posting updates on this forum is absolutely absurd
Please don't twist my words. If you go through this thread you will find I have continuously posted updates and I already apologized that I missed to post the latest update here before.

Just in case I post it here again:
In the meantime, I have organized direct shipments from Toribox to all recipients in Asia and the USA for this run. That should make up for the delay and make shipping safer and more affordable for most on top of that, as I never ask for more shipping fees than I am charged!

This is the order:

- Today everyone on the list receives the PM asking to verfiy their current shipping address
- Afterwards I collect the shipping fee
- The shipping fees for Toribox's direct shipments I forward to them together with the addresses at once
- Toribox sends out the direct shipments and the batch that I will forward
- I send the tracking IDs to those who receive direct shipments
- After I received the batch to be forwarded, I create individual shipments and send out the further tracking IDs
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Sent pretty much all messages requesting the shipping details. Possibly missed 1 or 2 collectors from user name changes and such but will figure that out quickly once I matched it with the replies or before.

I will consider all messages that I receive by Tuesday for direct shipments from her (if desired and possible to the destination).

Received a lot of replies already, thanks for that! I am sorting them parallely.
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Sent pretty much all messages requesting the shipping details. Possibly missed 1 or 2 collectors from user name changes and such but will figure that out quickly once I matched it with the replies or before.

I will consider all messages that I receive by Tuesday for direct shipments from her (if desired and possible to the destination).

Received a lot of replies already, thanks for that! I am sorting them parallely.

I have all the addresses sorted and am just waiting to hear back from a very few collectors, maily their wishes regarding combined shipments of Ra's outfits to one address. Will forward the final list to Toribox tomorrow. Afterwards I receive the quotes for the shipping fees so I can collect and forward them at once.
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A week has passed and it's already April. How long do we have to wait?
Please tell us when we can ship.thank you.
Hi y'all,
The address list is done and I expect to receive the shipping quotes soon after sending it to Toribox early in the upcoming week. I hope I could consider all individual wishes for combined shipments and things like that.
Hi y'all,
I had forwarded the address list to Toribox some days ago. Was a bit I was sick for a few days in the meantime and I will check the status tomorrow so I can get back to you about the shipping fees.
I also noticed that a few more replied in the meantime after I had sent the list already, I will reply to you individually.
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here are a few in hand pics, disclaimers..

I don't have the Coo body on hand, never been a fan of them personally, but Im still gonna get one to try wiht this, this is on a hot toys IT body right now.

The collar size for this project was made for the creg head, so anyone who has the JNIX will find its a bit too big for the collar unfortunately. Not sure about the Qi head, Ill be curious to see how it fits.

temporary Cane too, just wanted to confirm its quality as usual from toribox.


