Hey everyone, I've spoken with
@2ouble8ight and he's willing to do a run of Ranger Cloaks/Ponchos.
If we get enough interest of 50 people the cost of the Ranger Cloak will be $75.USD
I'm gathering as many pics and info on the Cloak/Poncho as I can to get it as screen accurate as possible. I asked him about weathering as well and he said that he can. But it hasn't been decided on if that will be an extra charge or not. If it's simple enough he may offer that for free. Under 50 then the price will go up but will not exceed $100 usd.
Please DM me here, on Instagram, or Facebook so I can start compiling an interested list!
Please include your Username and Real Name in the message. Thank you. No deposit as of right now.

Spoke with 2double8ight and the wire Will be standard for the hood, but he will have to see about adding it to the front sides as pictured here (as an option if those that want a wire)
It might be difficult to weather however. He said that he will know more once he does the prototype.
Wire in the front may cost additional price too. (5-10usd) so keep that in mind if you want the wiring down the front of the cloak.
UPDATE: 9/19/24: We are going to forgo the additional wire down the front to keep the cost down and so this can drape naturally.
The majority seem to not want the wire. If there is a huge group on the run that are vocal about having the front wire We will re look at it. So if you really want the wire please let me know.
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Examples of 2double8ight's work:
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1. Cellar Toys
2. Drweaponx (IG)
3. I_ammjamm (IG)
4. Ronnieb555 (no wire)
5. Antarion
6. GerMANG
7. joel_aka_joel
8. Luisinegma1 / Luis Abrego (IG)
9. Betterthanevil
10. Ashburnshimself
11. RG (FB)
12. SP (FB)
13. KS (FB)
14. Raymond F.
15. Kindofblue
16. Magpie9
17. Bravomite
18. Thesixthscalegallery (IG)
19. R.k.c_collection (IG)
20. DS (FB)
21. Comic_ross (IG)
22. Garret
23. Mitrahero
24. Stryker2011 (no wire)
25. Gruff Old Bear / DA (FB/IG)
27. Jaykhaled_m (IG)
28. Frank_jaeger (IG)
29. 1Vozduh1
30. Comatoast
31. Pedro Solis Rivas (FB)
32. Alexoid
33. Dijinn
34. Bruin1773
35. Buffalofishingbum / DM (IG)
36. FJ Bellon / Javi_Dealer (IG)
37. Bmxspectre (IG)
39. Holly.hearttt (IG)
40. Theychosenone
41. JamieTafoya
42._that_guy_mark (IG)
43. Ipsandg (IG)