Super Freak
billy2374, you very welcome!
I'm glad that you've pointed my role in this project in the right way, just helping my comrades. ))) I'm very-very glad that we brought this project to life.
chemspawn, noted!
I did not get new payment update from Max yet, so there may be some pings in updating the list. Sorry! ))
Offtopic: just downloaded TDK:R in HD. God, this movie is bad. (((( It's so cool in first 1:40 and so bad after it: in acting, in shooting in the daylight, in lazy crowd fist fights, in terrible plot twists, in annoying flashbacks and in pointless children care scenes. GOOOD! ((((( Sorry for this negative here, but... gooood, how could this have happened? HOW?! T___T
chemspawn, noted!
I did not get new payment update from Max yet, so there may be some pings in updating the list. Sorry! ))
Offtopic: just downloaded TDK:R in HD. God, this movie is bad. (((( It's so cool in first 1:40 and so bad after it: in acting, in shooting in the daylight, in lazy crowd fist fights, in terrible plot twists, in annoying flashbacks and in pointless children care scenes. GOOOD! ((((( Sorry for this negative here, but... gooood, how could this have happened? HOW?! T___T