Black Knight
Super Freak
Re: Captain Flint - TV series "Black sails" (The sculpt WIP on page 2)
I love this show ....
Thank you
I love this show ....
Thank you
Is it going to be neckless? I am asking, because he usually exposes his chest.
I'll be sending you a list of tweaks hopefully by tonight.
I would have thought more people would be into it , it's a great show
OK, as promised, I sent a PM with some observations and a link to a series of additional reference images I captured for you.
I'll send another message tomorrow after some sleep as I wanted to highlight a few of the reference images to show what I think really shows the signature Flint "look."
I would have thought more people would be into it , it's a great show
Can't wait for next season
Wait, season 3 is out, and I heard it was the last one, isn't it??