Full figure [Cheungkinmen] 1/6 Peter Pan - [SOLD OUT]

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Those are some awesome shots, Johnny. I don't know if I can be more excited for this one!

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Thanks my friend! I am more excited to show the other things I am doing for him and have a complete look of the set.

Haha like the old infomercials. "But wait...there's more!"

Can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve, man. I get excited any time I see you update here.

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Indeed I was tempted to wait till payday and jump back on then call it quits after this and pick up hook when ever that happens.... truth is I'm unsure.
I love the film and I'm a huge Robin Williams fan so I still kindda want this. :dunno

Sorry to hear that, man. It's gonna be incredible for sure.

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Indeed I was tempted to wait till payday and jump back on then call it quits after this and pick up hook when ever that happens.... truth is I'm unsure.
I love the film and I'm a huge Robin Williams fan so I still kindda want this. :dunno

Man, try and hop on if you could manage. I assure you, Hook WILL happen. That will be an insanely intricate and complicated piece. The outfit alone will be unlike anything we've ever seen in 1/6 before. That much I am sure of. MG, along with other artists on board have other stuff going on thats keeping them busy, you know? I know some aren't keen on just having Pan alone for whatever amount of time it may be, but if you sleep on Pan, then Hook by himself also loses his importance. I'm in no rush... these things take time. Just my two cents.

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Hope you don't mind me just throwing a suggestion out there man....The eyes appear lighter in this photo than the proto you painted.

Not sure if it's the angle but the neck looks odd. Might just be the fact it's not painted to match the sculpt yet :dunno

Hope you don't mind me putting my 2 cents out there. Sculpt and tailoring is stunning!

A masterpiece really glad I could get on this really excited for both this and Hook! :panic::panic:

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Yeah, I would lighten the eyes a bit for sure, more like greyish thank blue.

The neck is not painted yet, yes, so the 2 tones are contrasting a bit. As for looking weird, well that's the nature of sculpted necks on a body, you can't have the whole neck moving with the head as the laryngeal prominence and skin fold is sculpted in place. I would have gone with a necked sculpt but there were no bodies for it.

This body is the best body for Pan, it's stocky and the legs don't show too much articulation through the tights.