Custom Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker ROTJ 1/6

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You can push the wire back into the hood. It's fairly normal for them to pop out but easily remedied.

Alright, thanks :) I assumed something was off since the part that's popped out is folded into a loop so I thought it was intentional, made me think all these awesome looking cloaks had it removed or something.
No. Don't remove it. It won't sit properly on the head or look realistic if its removed. That the only thing that allows you to pose the hood.
Good move. It's a lot of fun to be able to pose the hood differently once in a while.




I finished my custom sculpt. Dorgmal Snow will probably make casts of these if you guys are intested, gave him a better haircut, and a better profile. Don't mind the black ink on the upper pictures, had to make sure I had made the hair deep enough to allow dry brushing. :)
Nice work. Is that a SS head recast or your own original sculpt? Looks pretty close. Very nice indeed.
Thanks Jim,

Hair is reworked hot toys, not quite as close to shape accuracy as your Medicom version but finer and more detailed sculpting.

I might try sculpting one from scratch.
nice raymond! lukes jedi hair is different in each scene just about. i love the detail and shape you got out of that :hi5:
Looks good, but for some reason and I can't put my finger on it, the Hot Toys sculpt just doesn't scream Luke Skywalker to me. He just doesn't Luke like Hamill.

On a side note, this is the ONLY recent picture of Hamill recently where he doesn't look like a hobo, and could still put off a pretty convincing aged Luke Skywalker IMO.

Hope they use him for the new movies, it would bring the whole thing closer to the Original Trilogy feeling-wise.

If Hamill could pull it off, I'm also confident he would actually be cast for other things than cameo's.
They are definitely using Hammil for the new films. I agree he looks better there than recent pics. Ford still looks great and I hope Fisher is on a treadmill somewhere right now. I think giving Hammil a more classic haircut and a big beard will improve his look for the new films, sort of like old Ben. He didn't age well I think a beard would cover some of his bad skin and make his face look less puffy.

I think the HT sculpt does look like Hammil but as always PERS screws things up. Trevor's ANH storm trooper disguise is the only othe sculpt that I feel really looks anything like Hammil either though. I'm not a fan of the other efforts, though your reworked version definitely looks good and much improves some of the misses from the SS sculpt.
Apparantly also Disney has hired private nutritionists and trainers for Fisher and hamill.

They are actually pretty young Hamill is just over 60 and fisher closer to 55. She's had her struggles with weight but if she slims down she can still look pretty attractive. I still think Hamill should be covering his face up with a beard though, he just didn't age gracefully.
They are definitely using Hammil for the new films. I agree he looks better there than recent pics. Ford still looks great and I hope Fisher is on a treadmill somewhere right now. I think giving Hammil a more classic haircut and a big beard will improve his look for the new films, sort of like old Ben. He didn't age well I think a beard would cover some of his bad skin and make his face look less puffy.

I think the HT sculpt does look like Hammil but as always PERS screws things up. Trevor's ANH storm trooper disguise is the only othe sculpt that I feel really looks anything like Hammil either though. I'm not a fan of the other efforts, though your reworked version definitely looks good and much improves some of the misses from the SS sculpt.

I think the Jedi Luke looked spot on Hamill, but he also looked spot on Hamill being COMPLETELY surprised. xD
I saw Hamill last year at Star Wars Convention in Fl. and he looked horrible. That car accident did a number on his face, I think some of that plastic surgery didn't hold up with age.
Indeed, but like team american matt damon, the likeness is there. ;)


Custom Mikey's repaint imo shows this is still the best likeness around.

Or Les Walker.


There is a likeness there under a terrible paintjob I agree, but considering the amount of people that don't like the HT Bespin Luke I would worry that those same people would commit harakiri after just seeing RotJ Luke on a computer screen. Of course it doesn't stop there, the figure has gibbon-like arms too. :lol

I bought the figure a few weeks ago, so I own it. I didn't know about the arms until I opened the package, I had to laugh.

I saw Hamill last year at Star Wars Convention in Fl. and he looked horrible. That car accident did a number on his face, I think some of that plastic surgery didn't hold up with age.
I think so, a big part of the reason that for example hollywood stars start to look like crap even though they're not that old. Even though it looks bad they have to get back after a few years for a tune-up or else the face gets even worse. If you start cutting up your face in your twenties you're in for the long haul.

In Hammils case I think it could work. A battle worn old warrior type thing. That and throw in a beard like someone mentioned and we're on.
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The problem with the SS ROTJ Luke also is that it's a dated toyish looking sculpt compared to today's standards. I know that this does not bother some especially in the SW section and many have built a large collection from the SS offerings over the years and hold s different standard. I can totally understand that. For me though , the HT Luke made all other figures especially human obsolete. It made me go and reword some of the non human figures to get them up to par with him which has been nice, but as of right now as you can see I managed to get another Luke out of the head and use the recent UU Han head to make Han. Right now though only Han and Luke are passable humans in my collection.