Custom Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker ROTJ 1/6

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Thanks for the info. I saw that on eBay and was considering it but have not tried it. Very curious to find out what you think of the body.

I am using the Hans landa boots. Pics are in my thread. I am happy with them but do not have anything else to compare them to. Also Hans landa on eBay are expensive!!! Other options would be good.
Thanks for the info. I saw that on eBay and was considering it but have not tried it. Very curious to find out what you think of the body.

I am using the Hans landa boots. Pics are in my thread. I am happy with them but do not have anything else to compare them to. Also Hans landa on eBay are expensive!!! Other options would be good.

The body I quoted is really awesome. Its really great quality for what you're paying. Its not as good as the HT true types but it does everything you need it to. The cheaper one I bought could only stand up in the most precisely balanced position that I just didn't bother using it.
Thanks for the info. I saw that on eBay and was considering it but have not tried it. Very curious to find out what you think of the body.

I am using the Hans landa boots. Pics are in my thread. I am happy with them but do not have anything else to compare them to. Also Hans landa on eBay are expensive!!! Other options would be good.

Do you have pics of the figure with that boot?
Ninja -
Here is the picture with the Hans Landa boots. I am very happy with them but as I said they are really expensive on ebay. Other suggestions/alternatives should be explored.

Does anyone have a link to the type of feet that would fit the pegs of the DX Luke body? All the feet I have seen are the new ball jointed ones....
Someone was making and selling a universal ankle adapter that would work between most brands. I lost the link and I have been looking for it. I can't remember if it was on ebay or here in the For Sale threads.

I don't know if it would work. If anyone has knowledge of this please chime in.
Any tips on how to properly futz or mod the hasbro X-wing suit?

It looks baggy on a TTM body.

Has anyone restitched or cut off any areas of the suit?
Just tested the HT head on a Tomy X-Wing Helmet, you would need to remove the hair and it is still a tight squeeze
Hey jedijim3002, can I be added to the list as well!

Thanks in advance!

You have been added.

So sorry for the delay guys. They are killing me at work. 85 to 95 hours a week right now and no end in sight for the next year. Not sure if I'll be getting to this project anytime soon. I barely have time to eat and sleep let alone work on this. If i do I will give an update but as it stands now this project is on hold.
I could probably do that if someone wanted to do that. I still need to make another mold of the original cause the mold has a lot of bubbles in it. The castings so far have been good except for all the air bubbles. If I can get time to make a better mold id be happy to let someone else mold them. What I need is a compressor vac pump so the molds can be degassed. Still haven't found one yet.