Custom Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker ROTJ 1/6

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Wanted to share some shots of my custom 1:6 Luke. Got the base figure off of eBay and am working on fixing it up a bit.

Dx-07 body with undershirt and white under shorts. Added some padding in the last photos with masking tape
eBay Luke head
Sideshow outfit

Before padding


After with full outfit. Will take some better comparison shots but the suit does fit a smidge better.


Currently waiting on Hot Toys tie fighter gloved hands from eBay and the DID German officer boots.
Looks good Zack! keep it up!

One question: has anyone tried to shrink Luke's cloak? I need to shrink it a bit, but I have no idea which is the best process in order not to waste the cloth...
Nice! Looks great!

Thanks! I was able to repair a broken ignited sideshow Luke saber from a friend with brass rods last night and also picked up some tamiya clear green to repaint Luke's saber. Wasn't a fan of the lime color that the sideshow saber has. Here's a quick shot of a before and after.



This thread has definitely been a huge help for me as someone new to custom 1/6 figures!
Is it battery powered or plugged in?

You may have already checked it out: Pixelpiper sabers are plugged in. There is some customization possible: length of cable, dimmer, remote control ON/OFF switch, shared sources or individual sources... etc.

But the cable is there. I try to hide it behind the legs of the figure (in this case Luke), but from a certain angle you can see the cable. It's easier to hide with figures like Vader, since he is all in black and with a cape.


Sorry for posting again this picture.

Here it is difficult to point out where the cable is... but if you look closer you can clearly see that it is behind Luke's right leg, and then I clumsily hide it using white paper... you can do it even better, putting the cable inside the clothes of the figure, they are that long, and that slim, so that is possible. But since I like to change the pose, with the saber on or off, I rather not put the cables inside the clothes, for a quicker change of pose.
I have a Sideshow Luke Jedi belt and gloved gripping hand available. I also have an ROTJ hair piece for the DX-07, although it has lot of bubbles. pM me if interested.

Edit: sold. Thanks for all the iterest.
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