Custom Kit Bash Bruce Wayne pictures!

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I dunno if im sold on the enchanted set, its nice looking with the overcoat, im just not sure about him in an overcoat since he never really had that look in either movie.

However it's a cool concept so i tried it out with the sideshow highlander tenchcoat to see what mine would look like just for fun:


Little puffy but its passable, i dont thnk i'd display him in full overcoat and gloves but its a cool look if you want something different.
Sorry but that trenchcoat looks like crap on that figure. imo the Barbie/Enchanted coat which is like $9 - $14 dollars looks better. And who would've thought that!? lol..
Not HT, but still cool...

League of Shadows apprentice...

A bit closer...

He's beside himself...
This is the Takara version.The "Bruce" version is on another Takara body,liberated from our Jin-Roh figure. The Jin-Roh is in turn squeezed onto a new HT body. Kit-bashing at it's finest...PS
Just tested out the Enchanted outfit really quick. Turn out it really can make Bruce look as good as those pics. However, it does have a few draw backs. The arms on the shirt, suit & the overcoat are a tad short on the wrist. If you use the bare hands from the HT body, the arms become too long. So you do need one of the gloved hands from either Batman figure to make it look right, with the gloves covering part of the wrist ball joint. Also, there is no working buttons nor velcro on the front of the coat nor suit jacket. You need to sew them together if you want to close up the front. Also, the shoes are too small to fit HT feet, and there is no socks. Overall, material used and sewing quality is very low. But the cutting makes the outfit fit very well. If not the arms being short, the black suit actually fit on Bruce really well, better fitment than some more expensive suits.

Great cutting, cheap material, short arms. Not usable shoes, but still a good buy for $10+ and if you are not picky on the material.
Also, some ironing on the collar and the suit would help shape it better, and it needs the longer neck that came with Bruce's head for better results. The standard HT neck is a bit too short.
mpchi - thanks for the mini-review. Any chance you can post photos comparing the sleeves w/ gloved hands vs. bare hands?
Not HT, but still cool...

That looks cool, but after looking again at the Takara Bruce Wayne sculpt, he's looking like a 20 year old Bruce. :)

But anyway, it matches a bit the story, because he had to be a bit younger, when he does his "world-tour". :)

Well done!
mpchi - thanks for the mini-review. Any chance you can post photos comparing the sleeves w/ gloved hands vs. bare hands?

Don't have time to take pics yet, and the outfit needs some ironing. But from observation, the inner shirt sleeve is way short, like sitting almost half an inch above the wrist joint starts. Black suit jacket arm ends at right about where the HT arm ends, also exposing the whole ball joint (you would have thought Bruce Wayne can afford better tailored clothes LOL). Overcoat a bit better, and has the longest sleeves. It ends midway where the ball joint is. But still leave some arm and wrist exposed depends on the pose and angle. So with this set up, you kind of need the overcoat on to hide the short sleeves, and better to have gloved hands to hide the wrist even more.

If you have Takara Batman, you can swap the hands with the latest ver. HT hands, using the HT ball joint to connect. The connection is very loose (but won't fall unless you pull very hard),