Custom Kit Bash Bruce Wayne pictures!

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Interesting. I didn't know you had sculpted the add-on hair until uscmhicks posted the link to.






hmm perhaps the neck needs painting to match the skin tone of the face? i like the attention to detail on the hair espicially over his ear...I assume he hasnt spent the night out as Batman though lol coz no way wud his hair be so perfect from just having de-cowled

This image really makes me think the big reason for the likeness being off on the HT heads is the nose. If they'd gotten the shape of his nose right I think these heads could have been much better likenesses.
well, i specifically said excluding tt but it's too expensive and I just want something cheap to display my Bruce.

i was just saying, cheap is not the way to go.

but if you want to go cheap i have a Triad toys body i will sell you for pretty much just the price of shipping.
Great pics and awesome setup! Bruce looks like he got saggy man boobies under that shirt though :lol