Custom Kit Bash Bruce Wayne pictures!

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by the way, these suits are by far the greatest 1/6 collectible item ever made.

If you're on the fence and miss this again, you will hate yourself forever. ;)
Damn Maybe Toys2 will give me some free stuff if I keep plugging them ;) But I'd probably buy these suits from anyone, Actually they are from a store in Hong Kong called century hobby, they sell them to toys2. Apparently you can order from them directly but they are not too good at getting back to you. The last suit I needed was the black one which I just got. I just wish whoever made this made some solid black and blue suits.


more pictures in my custom thread.
Looks good, only thing I'd say for the TDK conversion is, in that frontal shot you can really see, if you shaved a bit off the top of the hair to bring the top of his head a little lower, it'd be pretty spot on. Basically right to where the highlight is on the top right side of the part would be the perfect cut off point, but cutting away is risky.
I also emailed them about their 3rd suit, the one sixtus_56 used for his custom Joker:


To see when they'll get that one in, if ever.

Well this kinda sucks, but apparently it seems like Toys2 doesn't plan to carry that suit anymore. Here's the response I got back from them:

Toys2 said:

Highly realistic and detailed suit SERIES 3 would not re-stock but Black Suit and Grey Suit will be re-stock in end of March


Heads up: Toys2 has these suits back in stock:

Ordered this one last night. Think that left just one remaining suit still available.

Now I'll be able to shift my Saturday toys suit over to Harvey Dent and use this one for Bruce wayne.
I planned on using it (without the vest) for Harvey Dent... Think it will look great with a white shirt instead of the grey one. The grey shirt is reserved for Gordon... But looking at the pics I can see Gordon in that suit too...:rolleyes:

I have a vestless Harvey in that suit too but still have the same shirt. I think you are right about the white shirt I'm sure it will help but the whole thing looks so damn good as an ensemble the shirt is incredible wait until you see the fabric they used!

Maybe Gordon hey? I think it could work, with a different tie. if we could just find the damn perfect trench which seems to be non-existent no?
I have a vestless Harvey in that suit too but still have the same shirt. I think you are right about the white shirt I'm sure it will help but the whole thing looks so damn good as an ensemble the shirt is incredible wait until you see the fabric they used!

Do you have any pics?

The Gordon jacket does not seem to be such a big problem. Just look in the Gordon thread. Many nice possibilities...