Custom Kit Bash Bruce Wayne pictures!

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do ht heads go onto triad bodies?


yes they have the same small neck adapter


traid bodies look a tad taller than ht bodies... that is if you're referring to the omega ones

This is the one I had a deal set up for :


Bruce Wayne head with long neckpost fits on -- Sideshow Prometheus; BBI G1,G3,G3.5 ; older Soldier Story bodies, Hot Toys bodies.

When I say long neckpost, I mean the separate piece that came with the boxed HT Batman figures. It's a little longer than the ones that come with the packaged Truetypes.
Bruce Wayne head with long neckpost fits on -- Sideshow Prometheus; BBI G1,G3,G3.5 ; older Soldier Story bodies, Hot Toys bodies.

When I say long neckpost, I mean the separate piece that came with the boxed HT Batman figures. It's a little longer than the ones that come with the packaged Truetypes.

So would one like this work ?
