GroundZero Snake, Quiet, and Venom Snake from Metal Gear V by sculptor

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Re: Updated 3/10/16 Quiet and Snake from Metal Gear V by sculptor

She hardly wears anything so yeah she is the easiest figure to source materials for. Hardest part is the bikini so I had to make that myself.

Also Rocco I sent payment for a second Quiet head. Please ship them and the Venom head together please. Thanks!
Re: Updated 3/10/16 Quiet and Snake from Metal Gear V by sculptor

figured i should start collecting parts for quiet. so far last night i ordered stockings, gloves (which i already had), 2 pouches, drop leg holster, and y-harness. still need a belt, knife w/ holster, sleeve, grenades, rifle, body, and boots. if anyone has any of the items i need and are willing to part with them let me know! im going to see who i can have make me the bikini, i may just do it myself, shouldnt be very hard.
Re: Updated 3/10/16 Quiet and Snake from Metal Gear V by sculptor


Re: Quiet and Venom Snake from Metal Gear V by sculptor

Both of those sculpts are awesome, I'd like to get a venom snake one too but I already have one painted from amnur.

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Re: Quiet and Venom Snake from Metal Gear V by sculptor

snakes head looks stretched to me, feels like its to long? maybe just me though
Re: Quiet and Venom Snake from Metal Gear V by sculptor

im convinced that there is no rifle like quiets out there, knife either, ive looked at every 1/6 resource i had. rocco is there any chance you can print one? venom snakes handgun and knife would be great too. not sure who to ask for this stuff to be done, theyre key items for these figures. thanks for your consideration. printing up the heads is always awesome, but there needs to be someone who makes weapons and stuff too.
Re: Quiet and Venom Snake from Metal Gear V by sculptor

Geewhiz made outfits, drop them a message for details

Re: Quiet and Venom Snake from Metal Gear V by sculptor

List updated, thanks evilkuods for your interest
Re: Quiet and Venom Snake from Metal Gear V by sculptor

Shipping list updated, more castings in soon!
Re: Quiet and Venom Snake from Metal Gear V by sculptor

Will send payment in a couple of days. Sorry for being late.
Re: Quiet and Venom Snake from Metal Gear V by sculptor

just got my quiet in today, awesome work! bummed i missed out on venom. if theres any chance in getting a couple venoms in a couple of weeks please let me know, moneys tight til then.
Re: Quiet and Venom Snake from Metal Gear V by sculptor

just got my quiet in today, awesome work! bummed i missed out on venom. if theres any chance in getting a couple venoms in a couple of weeks please let me know, moneys tight til then.

I'm casting to order, so drop me a payment and we'll hook you up.
Re: Updated 3/10/16 Quiet and Snake from Metal Gear V by sculptor

WIP with Rocco's Venom head... Painted by me with a lot more to do, but you get the idea. The head turned out great Sir. Thanks!
