Heisenberg 'Say My Name' (Clothing Outfit)

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I knew the Perseus, 2.0 and Kevin Flynn had the right pegs was not aware Luke had them too thats good to know :)
I knew the Perseus, 2.0 and Kevin Flynn had the right pegs was not aware Luke had them too thats good to know :)

Yes, actually the TTM21 + Luke DX body is a great combo for two reasons...

1) The aforementioned compatability with the Trevor shoes when using the lower legs on a TTM21 and...

2) The sculpted forearms on the Luke DX (using the TTM lower legs) plus water-slide Tattoo decals make a great base body for Jesse.

Two Bodies, one stone.
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Good question will get an answer for you :). You want on the list wake?

Maybe, Im thinking about it. My heisenberg is pretty great. The only things im not crazy about is the clothes fits my figure too tight. Making him look thinner than cranston is. Also im using the Explorer khaki's and although they are nice, they wrinkle easy which gives off a linen vibe as opposed to cotton khakis. This would be a lot easier decision if the set were completed in prototype before putting the money up.
Maybe, Im thinking about it. My heisenberg is pretty great. The only things im not crazy about is the clothes fits my figure too tight. Making him look thinner than cranston is. Also im using the Explorer khaki's and although they are nice, they wrinkle easy which gives off a linen vibe as opposed to cotton khakis. This would be a lot easier decision if the set were completed in prototype before putting the money up.

I hear ya I have the exact same problem with my Heisenberg. Looks fantastic don't get me wrong but he does look too thin I'm using Kato's chinos.

Tbh I wouldn't worry about not seeing anything before the money is needed this is Yunsil after all! Rainman's tailor one of if not the best in the game (the legend that is Kato aside ;)) you know it'll turn out incredible and accurate across the board :lecture

I've passed the message on about the belly padding Teddy seems to think it shouldn't be an issue he's gonna ask Yunsil :)
What sculpt is everyone using? I'd love to look in to this but I have a lot to learn it appears! :)
You weren't kidding. They look incredible, I don't even want to see the prices for these. I want the Daryl, Rick, and Heisenberg. They all look AMAZING!
They come painted for $180 the wallabees are $50 painted

I was afraid you would say that lol 180$ is steep for me. Amazing work, but the figure all together would easily be 5-700$ put together. I think I need a new hobby. Maybe I'll take up BINGO. :)