Please add me for a full set for both
Interested in Lestat full figure
List updated.I interested full set! put me!
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Put me in! At first for fullsets, if the price goes too above what I can afford, at least a h+c I will get.
List updated.I'm interested in H&C set both rob!
Got you addedi m in for full figures bro
Adjusted it for youPlease add me for Louis fullset too-just saw the post about when the 1st payments are due, I think I can do both...
Thanks Daniel!Good luck for your first full figure project R-bros
Thank you man I got you added as well!It is really hard to resist to Jake/Yunsil combo. Put me down for both full sets.
And as Mox said good luck with you first full figure project. I am sure your projects will push everyone to up their game.
Added you JeffPlease add me for the full set list, thanks!
Yeah a second Lestat sculpt will definitely be an option. Cauldia I'm sure another person will do before we can get to her.This is probably my most anticipated set of the year. Looks like there will finally be a Tom Cruise head that looks like Cruise.I'd certainly like to see Claudia to round out the "family". Also a zombie Lestat would be cool. A few months back I recall someone posting a pic of a great looking custom zombie Lestat at the piano/harpsichord.
Just curious if there might be an option to have second heads with real hair not tied back in ponytails. Maybe if there were enough interest those could be super deluxe sets. I don't know why I'm looking for ways to spend even more money.
Yeah a second Lestat sculpt will definitely be an option. Cauldia I'm sure another person will do before we can get to her.
As far as real hair the scene that the outfits go to both characters hair was pulled back and being sculpted works better. But I might be willing to do a small run of 5 to 10 dx haired sculpts. When we figure out the run I'll know more of how many I can and can't do.