Nice review and pic. Please post more when you get a chance. Do you remember which exact body you got? Looks like that link has a bunch of different bodies.So, received my Iris set today. Haven't had much time to futz with it but here's some initial thoughts:
Really glad we went with a small zipper, much better than the 1st concept.
The outfit fits really well on the generic body I am using:
Didn't have any issues with the shirt popping open at all, magnets pop close easily.
The jacket is nicer than I imagined. Really nice soft material and a great colour. I think in the hands of a talented custom artist the collar could sit flat and would look better if weathered, but still really nice. The length is good.
The pants are not really made from the material I would have liked. It creases just by looking at it in the way that linen creases, but Indy's pants were wool and didn't crease like that, that's a bummer for mine.
The holster is "ok" but not better than the MFisher (pictured here) imho. It's very thin, but not bad for the price.
Overall summary: Given the price of sets from Yunsil & Kato, this is a really nice set for the price point. Certainly WAY better than what Hot Toys came up with and a certain upgrade from that.
Lastly thank you to Luis & Iris for making this possible.
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Thank you guys for being interested. I was hoping it turned out well, some things could have been better but with what we have it came out great.Thanks Luis for all your efforts. It's a beautiful set.
Nice review and pic. Please post more when you get a chance. Do you remember which exact body you got? Looks like that link has a bunch of different bodies.
Yeah and that’s what I’ll do. Well, not with an oven but a hair dryer. I’m just taking it back to the drawing board, I think. I want to get it looking just right.You know you should be able to put that hat in the oven on a very low setting and soften it up and then curve the sides of the brim up a bit when you take it out. Then you just let it harden again. I have done that with a few hats now.
I have ordered a couple of the new sculpts but I really don't think it is a massive step up from the V2 which I also have. The expressions on each are somewhat too neutral for me. They are what I call the "Marion, I'm just nipping out to the shops for some milk" Indiana Jones expression. It needs to be more intense. Of course you can counter that somewhat with how you position and paint the eyes on the sculpt.
I successfully dyed the pants to a bit shade darker then the original. Now this is raiders. Lol
I used Rit synthetic dye. (Chocolate brown) Easy you just boil some hot water and then put it in a pot (one that your not going to use again to cook in) then put just a small amout in it and take it to a steel sink. You wet the pants in water first get it completely soaked then just figure out how long it needs to be in there (I just dipped it in quick so around 2 seconds) then rinse it with water make sure there is no left over dye on them. I put it infront of a fan and let it dry that way. Once one area is dry just turn it to the next wet area and once it's dry then put it on your figure. Idk if it will stain the shirt but I'll see after a week if it does or does not.Man I would be too nervous to do that, what specifically did you use?
I posted it on SSF so someone can pull it there and share it as I've had issues with this site.Come on Luis. A picture of these newly dyed pants please.