Lol true but hopefully she can return it to the man. Then she would have to do the same for Doctor Jones.Also it is clearly Fred Krueger's hat Luis, not this Striped Box woman whoever she is. The name written on the inside makes that clear.
I'm pure evil.
Indiana Jones is a potentially expensive custom, always has been. You can get all the parts you need at good prices with patience.
But then, this hobby is not about patience.
Yes, $70 web belt... $70 whip.... $200 boots.... it goes on and on. Kato stuff starts to seem almost reasonable. But its a constant project, constantly changing, upgrading... so you spend $20 on a half-assed belt, then spend another $20 on a slightly better one, then $30 because you find the HT belt... you might as well have spent the $70 on the genuine web belt with real metal working buckle.
A real buckle. That's crazy. And that's what this hobby is. Crazy. Like us.
This has been my experience sadly
There are ? who, what , where ? Wish I'd known that before.
The web belt would be $90 if there was 30 people. That hat is possible says striped box but she doesn't know what head to use as reference as all of them are bald at the top with no hair. Lol
The web belt would be $90 if there was 30 people. That hat is possible says striped box but she doesn't know what head to use as reference as all of them are bald at the top with no hair. Lol
They are similar in terms of placement but the hair on each is different as they each used different shaped hats. But your right it won't matter because it would be able to fit all of them properly.Most of the sculpts -- MJ reduced, Jnix, Inigo -- I would imagine are roughly same size on the bald head top. Certainly a real material hat would also have some give to fit just like a real hat would. That's the point.
Use a little blutac to hold it in place if you have to.
I have told the seller to contact you. Good luck.If She have i Will take It ...can you let know ?