Nobody's zipcode who got it here matches the seller's location. For whatever that's worth. Thought maybe it could be some super easy detective work. :lol
Always going to happen. With something this good and this limited, it was just a matter of time. I am actually more surprised it took this long.
Honest question: Recasting is a super scummy thing to do. But since these are private sales, usually from individuals, is it illegal? I can see how it would be since it's someone's work, I'm just not sure where the line is drawn. Is it not ours to do with once we own? Or is it more nebulous like a digital sale? Where we own it but are not allowed to distribute it?
TonTon, P.I.
Perry Resin?
Is that a joke? :lol
Its another witch huntanic:
ooh, thats a can of worms. Like with DVDs/CDs (if anyone still buys those) can do with it what you want, it's just that you can't RESELL (or even redistribute) the material in another format or anything but selling the orignal form.
That said, it will happen - no stopping it really. You can say "don't buy it" but you know they will sell.
OK so crap it's not an original. Wow now I'm the guy that bought the crappy recast! He had it up for sale for $50 or Best offer. It looks really good in hand but it's made from a white chalky material. Seems solid enough but I'm not sure how well paint will stick to this thing.
So it begins...
Names blurred to protect the (so far) innocent. In all actuality, no one was asking for a cheap knock-off, but a new sculpt, so that's promising at least. Hopefully none of the recasters can get hold of one.
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Damn that's my pic I posted here. That was fast. Don't think anyone can beat jinxs work. Hope the folks who try and recast fall in their *****
From what I have seen, recasts are always subpar. You can't touch the original. I had one painted by Jnix, so for me that cannot be equalled or surpassed anyways.
Is there any chance of a second run of these?