Kate Beckinsale **NEW HAIR FINISHED** JUNE 22

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Re: Kate Beckinsale UNDERWORLD interest?

This is going to be nice. Count me in. Specially if Kato is doing some sort of outfit. :clap
Re: Kate Beckinsale UNDERWORLD interest?

very interested, best Selene sculpt I've seen.
Re: Kate Beckinsale UNDERWORLD interest?

very interested, best Selene sculpt I've seen.
Re: Kate Beckinsale UNDERWORLD interest?

HOW do you do that, Erick! That is just freakin' unbelievable! You always get the portrait on the spot!
Re: Kate Beckinsale UNDERWORLD interest?

I'm definitely interested! :yess:
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Re: Kate Beckinsale UNDERWORLD interest?

I am interested .
Re: Kate Beckinsale UNDERWORLD interest?

I am interested .
Re: Kate Beckinsale UNDERWORLD interest?

looks good and i cant wait to see the finished product.
might be the closest to her looks i have seen yet
Re: Kate Beckinsale UNDERWORLD interest?

interested but i waiting to see it finished:wink1:
Re: Kate Beckinsale UNDERWORLD interest?

WOW. I would totally be interested. It would be a great way to start my custom figure collection. :yess:
Re: Kate Beckinsale UNDERWORLD interest?

WOW. I would totally be interested. It would be a great way to start my custom figure collection. :yess:
Re: Kate Beckinsale UNDERWORLD interest?

If the sculpt, clothes and accessories look good, I'm definitely interested! :yess:

The sculpt look's very impressive so far and Kato said he might be doing the clothing, if that's the case the clothing will be perfect, i can assure you that and better then anything hot toys or any other company can do, as for the accessories i'm not sure, who would be the best person to make those? ..Beto?

I hope we get enough interest because i would love a Kato suited Selene :pray:
Re: Kate Beckinsale UNDERWORLD interest?

Kinda like the others, I'm interested as well but want to see the finished one or close to it first
Re: Kate Beckinsale UNDERWORLD interest?

Sithlordmacguyver is working on a boots and corset set. I don't know whether Kato would tackle the corset, but boots are outside his arena. So I think all the necessary elements are in play, with a possible overlap of corsets.

Surely this will prompt some wait-and-see folks to become count-me-in-for-a-head-Erick peeps instead? :hi5:
Re: Kate Beckinsale UNDERWORLD interest?

Great again!

When you're bored you might try Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones... everyone else has tried it, why not you? :D

As a matter of fact I was about to post an interest thread, I have him sculpted as an old timer, and would love t tackle him in his Glory days!
Thanks my friend!