Spread the word, guys. Would love for this project to happen. :clap
Have you posted in the Wolverine thread in the Marvel section?
Spread the word, guys. Would love for this project to happen. :clap
Rdeezy told me he wanted x 16 suits - so there's your 20!!!! - $8K coming your way....
GREEN LIT - Thanks Rdeezy!!!!!
Haha no man, I want all 20! Then ill be selling them for $800 a piece (inflation)
Really none of your business, fran. Maybe stop going out of your way to be a d-bag, once in a while.It's scary what people are willing to pay to play dress up on a Dollie.
Jesus efin christ
Spend your $$$ however you want.
Yes, franpincho obviously doesn't own anything by Kato....
It will be my greatest sucess if those people hating Katowork (even stop other people from buying my work) , finally become my client !
I am glad to tell you that.... I had ever made it before ! XDDD