More people interested in gloved hands???? Sean just made for rocket man some in a flexible material, sure he can make the same for Max. The ideal thing would be to cast them in a flexible and flesh color and then we just have to paint the glove in black (we all know to paint in black). Dont know if would be better in black and then paint the flesh. If you know, Maxs gloves are fingerless and also have a lot of holes and tears.
1- itt0778 - shoulder/knee/shotgun
2- kam veitch - shoulder/knee/shotgun/DOG/¿gloved hands?
3- JeffTVR - shoulder/knee/shotgun
4-kingbumble - shoulder/knee/shotgun/DOG
5-Jbeltram4 - shoulder/knee (maybe shotgun, pending proto)/DOG/¿gloved hands?
6-IKE-CON - knee/shotgun
7-UlliPekka - shoulder/knee/shotgun
8-Jeronimo - shoulder/knee
9-njlanman -DOG
10-Golden Dragon -DOG
11-elvis1976 -shotgun/DOG
12-Azon4reel - shoulder/knee/shotgun/DOG
13-Rahmier84 - shoulder/knee/shotgun/DOG
14-T-Squared - shoulder/knee/shotgun/DOG
15-<BEASTMASTER>-shoulder/shotgun/DOG/¿gloved hands?
shoulder - 12
knee - 12
shotgun -12
¿gloved hands?-3