Hi guys, I’m organizing a run for Rocco TheSculptor for a **Migs Mayfeld** unpainted head sculpt to fit the Hot Toys TMS030 Transport Trooper from MANDO.
We figure now is a good time, considering the Transport Trooper price is in the gutter. You can get a MISB one on ebay for under $150 and a used one for less.
This, combined with the fact that many of us have the deluxe Mando that comes with the unmasked Pedro head, makes a wonderful opportunity to have Mando and Migs from the episode, “TRUE BELIEVER,” standing on your shelf!
For this, we will need a minimum of 15 PAID preorders which are $100 + shipping ($10 domestic USA, $45 international), in order to proceed.
Please send paypal to: [email protected]
After you send, please put, “paid,” in the comments.
The turnaround should be pretty quick, as Rocco is damn fast.
I will post photos as the sculpt is developed, once the 15 order threshold has been reached.
We figure now is a good time, considering the Transport Trooper price is in the gutter. You can get a MISB one on ebay for under $150 and a used one for less.
This, combined with the fact that many of us have the deluxe Mando that comes with the unmasked Pedro head, makes a wonderful opportunity to have Mando and Migs from the episode, “TRUE BELIEVER,” standing on your shelf!
For this, we will need a minimum of 15 PAID preorders which are $100 + shipping ($10 domestic USA, $45 international), in order to proceed.
Please send paypal to: [email protected]
After you send, please put, “paid,” in the comments.
The turnaround should be pretty quick, as Rocco is damn fast.
I will post photos as the sculpt is developed, once the 15 order threshold has been reached.
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