Mr. EcKo
Super Freak
Why do you use that stupid Instagram filter on your pictures?????? Why not have a natural picture so we can actually see the paint job???
Dudes got a real hard on for this thread. Annoying.
that is the lamest picture that people post on this forum, what are you 12 years old? seriously
Oh yeah im very excited. Noob
Why do you use that stupid Instagram filter on your pictures?????? Why not have a natural picture so we can actually see the paint job???
If something happens remember that I told you so.
Yeah, there's a pretty big difference between attempting to "warn" people (which I don't feel was necessary, either, but whatever) and actively hoping for Darko to fail/be a fraud. It's pretty clear now that nothing could make you happier than to be proven right, so maybe move on for a bit and you can come back and gloat in a month or two if no-one's received anything back. Just at this point it's a little weird how focused you are on this kid failing.Why do you use that stupid Instagram filter on your pictures?????? Why not have a natural picture so we can actually see the paint job???
Dudes got a real hard on for this thread. Annoying.
Dudes got a real hard on for this thread. Annoying.
Just got these "installed" on Bane. Stock M43 strap boots from New Line Miniatures. Monkey Depot carries them for around $20 shipped. They don't have the third strap across the top of the foot but these are miles above the craptastic stock boot. I may darken them a bit with shoe polish, not sure yet. Just wanted to give the Freaks a heads up.
Note: they're real leather and you'll need feet and pegs. I also had a spare pair of socks for a more snug fit.
Thats the same ones I sell , my custom version, painted and added bootstraps &buckles
your a little late buddy, ive been offering the boots for a while now
Take it easy buddy. I'm not offering my services. Just giving other members a heads up that other options exist. I'm well aware of your customs. Kind of hard not to be. You make it quite clear you and your little footwear exist.
Listen buddy I wasn't getting worked up. Seeing that your a noob I was just stating that those were the ones I offered.
And I DO ADVERTISE my custom work for sale, it's called advertising. So maybe you should calm down
Ha, noob. Yes I'm new to these parts, so what? The only thing I did was post a pic of a stock boot and tried to let others know where you could find them. Sorry if you felt I threatened your livelihood but I was only trying to be helpful.
We don't need to continue this back and forth. You win.
But before i go, you might want to come up with a term other than "noob." Makes you sound like a little kid. It's actually easier and shorter to spell "new". Try it sometime.
How dare you be a new member or fairly new or whatever. Lol.Noob?? Now I'm hurt.
I really don't care what any of you have to say I know who my real friends on here. My feedback speaks for itself just take a look at it and see. I don't really have to prove anything to anybody on this forum. I've already established myself, look at the stuff that I have for sale and sold and how many people have bought them,
and that also speaks for itself too.
I popped into this thread originally just to warn people about a brand new member offering his cheap paint service. I've seen way too many people get burned on this forum I was just looking out for people in line I'll just keep my mouth shut and let everybody get burned eventually
Why do you use that stupid Instagram filter on your pictures?????? Why not have a natural picture so we can actually see the paint job???