I always forget something and I can't think of a top ten I'd be willing to pay Rainman's prices for at the minute personally but my top 5 would be..
1) Mickey from Snatch -
Purely because of him being such a great character and Rainman could work wonders with his outfit and sculpt ( smiling sculpt as an extra ? ).
The figure on a whole would have a lot of shelf presence imo.
2) Travis Bickle -
What more can you say ?. It needs to be made !.
3) Oldboy -
Not a popular choice but I think it could be a winner in disguise. The suit would look fantastic in 1/6. Imagine that hair sculpted by Rainman !. Accessories , octopus in bowl , hammer , sunglasses , 2 sculpts with different expressions ( angry , battle damaged , smiling ? ). It's not just my love of the movie but also because of my love of Asian cinema on a whole I'd love to see this become a reality.
4) Jack Torrance -
One of the greatest horror movies ever made and even though I own the subway figure which is great I doubt I'd be able to resist a Rainman torrance. :horror
5) The Bride -
This wasn't something I was considering until not to long ago but I'd like a figure from a Tarantino movie and in the bright yellow outfit complete with a Katana sculpted by Rainman I can see this being a great figure.
All that worries me is the majority of female figures I've seen in this hobby still don't look that great imo unless they're custom made , the bodies especially. This is one I'd have to wait and see with.