john hbk
Super Freak
should defiantly capitalise on Django now while its still hot!
Really would like to see a braveheart William Wallace. I think he could kill this nobody has done this justice yet.
God damn... I honestly don't know who that fat guy is. Must be an oooooold celebrity
You don't know who John Candy is? WTF man :slap
I would like to see him do more genuinely classic films in general. Regardless of film, would also be nice to see him tackle some more iconic actors like a Pacino (Serpico?), Bogart, Jimmy Stewart, Marlon Brando (Stanley Kowalski?), or one of my own personal favorites--Lee Marvin, the king of bad *** cinema. Liberty Valence, please.
DChungs was pretty ****ing cool! Am I right in thinking it was Dan that did WW awhile back?
TurdFerguson; said:
They don't get more iconic than Wayne, for sure. Some great choices here overall over the last several posts :rock:clap
And how about John Wayne e.g. from The Searchers?ray:
yeah I don't see it mentioned much. Definitely a classic and I love Dustin Hoffman in it. Never seen the remake, not sure I should bother