I need a set of Heat dudes desperately. I'm looking for Neil & Chris in both bank robbery and armored car get ups and Hanna in robbery bust gear.
I kind of feel that this is a job for Iminime :monkey3
It would be the last ddl needed and there his most popular bill , plainveiw I don't think the dandy would hurt .eace
Yeah and then whats next? A DDL Lincoln? A Last of the Mohicans DDL?
Your opinion of course.
I'd much rather see an Amsterdam
Boston George :yess: :clap
Cream suit all the way
I don't think it matters, certain peeps have the ear of RM and it seems they get what they want.
As long as those suggestions results in sellout figures. It will continue to remain that way.
Why not just work with those who have his ear? Gotta stay positive man.
Anyone else rather see a final scene There Will Be Blood Plainview instead? I love DDL so I'm all in for any future DDL releases by Rainman. But damn... how can I be the only one wanting the final scene Plainview??