Wouldn't this look FANTASTIC next to Anton.......:clap
Gotta do final battle scene Amsterdam first.
While I don't think there would be a lot of interest, I would really like to have this.
Another Daniel Day Lewis figure is a waste of time. RAINMAN has already made his point with The Butcher and again with that re-used Plainview sculpt. So many new and interesting charaters to do and some people want to stay in the same place. Lets move on.
The only figure thats begging for a revamp is that Alex Delarge.
Rainman should revisit that.
Purely your opinion of course. I think you've very much in the minority if you don't wanna see a Dandy Man Bill
Let's take a poll. It's the best way to see how interested people are in another Bill figure as opposed to somthing new and original being made.
Bill and Daniel Day Lewis should be a Retired part of the Catalog already.