Super Freak
Belushi (Animal House)

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I would want:
Elaborate costume, very iconic figure...
And a female. Would love to see more female characters. And yes, and Uma Thurman from Kill Bill.
Any chance HT picks that up, ever?
Johnny Depp as Agent Sands
I can't believe he's actually doing Pee-Wee and David from Lost Boys. And that another customizer is doing Dark Helmet. This is INSANE! :lol
I'm really loving that we're gonna see all these off the wall characters. But please, for the love of all that's holy, no Silent Bob. Ever. By anyone :lolPOWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!! :lolanic:
I'm really loving that we're gonna see all these off the wall characters. But please, for the love of all that's holy, no Silent Bob. Ever. By anyone :lol
Do we really need anything more than this for the Black Knight?
He's even got the removable limbs!