Of course, even better than that:

I'm not a fan of Willow, but damn if I wouldn't want to see Rainman tackle this:
Madmartigan first! But Willow would be amazing!
Of course, even better than that:
Something that would be epic but impossible to make without looking like a racist would be.
You believe I've never watched Willow all the way through! :slap
I don't think its racist, that's a great movie. Norton's character later proves to be quite redeeming, however this is an easily bashable figure and I would rather have Rainman put his talents on a sculpt that isn't floating around somewhere.
I hear what your saying but it would be a little difficult for me not to get past the swastika tattoo..
Definitely bashable though.
Must Haves:
Just Ideas:
LOL Indeed.Must Haves:
This would cost a fortune, but it would be so bad ass
No Tony? :slap:slap:slap