*RUN CLOSED* 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C set Caine & Geewhiz.

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Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

Caine Just finished up the castings. Here's a quick pic he sent me from his phone.
I'll take some HD pictures of them when they get here later this week.
It's a little hard to see the details with a phone pic. It got to pixelated when I
tried to zoom in on it.


Absolutely phenomenal work again from Caine. How does one go about contacting Caine? He doesn't seem to frequent this board anymore from what I can see. Any help would be much appreciated.
Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

Absolutely phenomenal work again from Caine. How does one go about contacting Caine? He doesn't seem to frequent this board anymore from what I can see. Any help would be much appreciated.

I talk with him on Instagram mate. :)
Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

Ahhhh superb. Can you tell me his Insta name. That would be perfect :duff
Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

That's awesome! Massively appreciate it :duff
Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

I can do any additional work on mine -- thanks for the starter hole, it's a big help!

Your welcome...:)

And you were the 1st to pay, so yours goes out this weekend with the first 10.

By the way everyone, here is the list of the 1st 10 people who paid.
By date and time...:lol

If you're on this list and have not told me yet if you wanted the neck hole drilled.
You must respond in the next few hours or else the head goes out as is.

1) Gruff Old Bear (As Is) SHIPPED
2) Machew1031 (Drilled) SHIPPED
3) greatlakes6 (Drilled) SHIPPED
5) Comatoast (Drilled) SHIPPED
6) A Jedi Warrior (As Is) SHIPPED
7) ishothimsixtimes (As Is) SHIPPED
8) efeeke82 (Drilled) SHIPPED
9) indigenousbastard (Drilled) SHIPPED
10) JeffTVR (As Is) SHIPPED

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Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

Okay, I have boxed them up and they'll be going out tomorrow for
the 1st 10 people that paid(list in the previous post).

So K. Jun, ishothimsixtimes and JeffTVR sculpts will go out as is.

I will follow-up tomorrow afternoon with shipping notices via PM's.

Now it's time to get a good nights sleep...:thud:


Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

1st group shipping list.

1) Gruff Old Bear (As Is) SHIPPED
2) Machew1031 (Drilled) SHIPPED
3) greatlakes6 (Drilled) SHIPPED
5) Comatoast (Drilled) SHIPPED
6) A Jedi Warrior (As Is) SHIPPED
7) ishothimsixtimes (As Is) SHIPPED
8) efeeke82 (Drilled) SHIPPED
9) indigenousbastard (Drilled) SHIPPED
10) JeffTVR (As Is) SHIPPED


Can't wait to see the first one painted.
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Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

Where am I on the shipping list Ike

If you were not in the 1st ten people that paid, then you'll be in the next group.
It's 2 groups of 10 on the first run heads, which includes the head people on the H&C set list.

That does not include the second run people because
they're heads are not even made yet.


Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

Here' s the list of heads that will be going out next Saturday.
If you have not PM me with a preference of Drilled or As Is, please
do so as soon as you can. So I can get them all finished.

I went through all the PM's and postings. This is
what I have so far for Drilled or As Is. If any are
wrong or you want it changed, let me know now.

1) Petes (As Is)
2) Gido (Drilled)
3) John hbk (Drilled)
4) Nocturnal (As Is)
5) Chubbyman(Drilled)
6) Abarbarian (Drilled)
7) Hunterdnrc (Drilled)
8) Jeronimo (Drilled)
9) Marlindesign (Drilled)
10) 625631306 (As Is)
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Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

Okay, now that the heads are going out. Let focus on the outfit payments.

Everyone on the full H&C set, we'll need to get started on getting those paid for.
Because Geewhiz wont start on them, until they're paid in full. Longer we
wait for payments, the longer it will take to get the outfits finished.

Here's the price breakdown.

If you're in the U.S. your balance should be $280 + Priority shipping $6.80

If you're outside the U.S. your balance should be $290 + Priority shipping $24.60

And yes I added shipping here, because I shipped the heads separate, so shipping cost get's added.

Remember all payments must be either friends/family gift payment or
you need to add 4% for paypal fee's.

If for some unforeseen reason we have people drop out and drop below 10.
Then the outfit balance would be $105 more.

Also, anyone else on the first run head only list, looks like we'll have
enough leather to make 15 full outfits. So if interested, let me know.
We have 3 spots open.

If no one from that list want to make the move to full outfit, then
in 3 days I will open it up to everyone else on a first paid, first come basis.


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Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

I'm in, full Outfit!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

I'm in for full outfit set ! Please !!
Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

I don't mind you shipping my headsculpt along with the clothes set. Will save me the extra shipping cost. Let me know thanks ike.
Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

I don't mind you shipping my headsculpt along with the clothes set. Will save me the extra shipping cost. Let me know thanks ike.

Sure, that's fine. Just most wanted head ahead of time...lol
So it can be ready when outfit comes.
Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ

I'm in, full Outfit!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm in for full outfit set ! Please !!

First choice goes to the original people in the first run of heads.
If none of them want it, then after this weekend I will open it up
to anyone else.