Re: 1/6 Randall Patrick McMurphy: H&C SET BY CAINE & GEEWHIZ
Dremmel it for me please!
Dremmel it for me please!
Caine Just finished up the castings. Here's a quick pic he sent me from his phone.
I'll take some HD pictures of them when they get here later this week.
It's a little hard to see the details with a phone pic. It got to pixelated when I
tried to zoom in on it.
Absolutely phenomenal work again from Caine. How does one go about contacting Caine? He doesn't seem to frequent this board anymore from what I can see. Any help would be much appreciated.
Ahhhh superb. Can you tell me his Insta name. That would be perfect :duff
I can do any additional work on mine -- thanks for the starter hole, it's a big help!
Where am I on the shipping list Ike
I don't mind you shipping my headsculpt along with the clothes set. Will save me the extra shipping cost. Let me know thanks ike.
I'm in, full Outfit!
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I'm in for full outfit set ! Please !!