I will send you the perfect Jane to my abilities for the new year my friends, 2012.... I know it was a long road, I'm very sorry about that, all the effort I've put into this run and close to 50 heads on the run painted and unpainted versions.
I can now rest, and sleep that I assured I did my best I could with this run.
FINAL, FINAL Production Paint.
Tested Jane's (will go in the trash with maybe 20 more that I tested on this year :lol)
A prime example of me painting head after head, I think there were maybe 15 more casts that I painted of Jane this year, which leads to a total of 20 test paints where I tested around with the tints, hues, eyes, eye brows, hair color, degree of 5 o'clock shadows should of went on him. All is for not, even if I broke even for the Skimaniacs, I cannot and will not send out slop. I again apologize for taking extra time in these as I think my own OCD went along with this project but now there is a end in site with the above pics of the group that are ready to be shipped. For those that have sent me addresses I have them on file and for those that I have updated the first page on Thomas Jane Punisher and are
DEPARTING go ahead and send me your shipping address.