Yeah, just to be clear, Slimer in GB2 was a totally different (and inferior imho) design.
All the pics I posted are from GB1 and yeah, Skiman's first pic is from GB2. Anyway, you wanted Slimer ref pics, so here goes...
The original designer of Slimer put out a Slimer statue that came with the DVD release maybe 2-3 years ago. It is light up and in clear-ish resin. Not a huge fan of the sculpt (it's also roughly 1/7) and I personally thought the clear resin was a bit of mistake, obscuring detail.
Someone here suggested this sculpt in clear resin and I'm not sure that's a great idea - in theory it looks like a ghost, but as I said, didn't think the same idea worked for the DVD one.
Here are some pics that are more how he appears on screen in GB1 (I've deleted all previous pics showing the differences between GB1 and GB2.) I also think I'm only posting pics of how it should look expression-wise - open mouth kind of laugh.
And no, I'm not sure what that dude is doing at Slimer's rear end - just posted to show Slimer's "posterior" view.
Original small-scale maquette, and on-set scale:
Also, just for reference, this is a paint-up (not mine) of the clear slimer that came with the DVD. It's worth viewing because it's by the same guy who sculpted the original slimer puppet 30 years ago. I don't think it really captures Slimer as he appeared in GB1, but it's a very nice and detailed sculpt... the opaque paint shows details that are totally lost when it's clear/light-up.
Scale of DVD Slimer statue to 1/6 Bruce Campbell and the sculptor holding the piece.
This raises an issue: how big is Slimer? Because of the way they did Slimer, he actually appears slightly smaller onscreen than he does on-set. The suit fitted over a human operator as seen in the previous pics and was actually a little over human scale because of that. Here's a few pics with a bottle, though the actual drinking scene was cut, so you don't see that on-screen. Maybe someone can get a screen grab of Slimer with the plate also. My take is that Slimer is in theory a distorted ghost of a person so his hands etc. should be around human-sized, therefore more toward the on-set scale:
And to know what has gone before, this is (I believe around 1/7-1/9 scale) a resin kit, raw and painted. I actually think this sculpt is terrific. Note how the original sculpter above got the distance between the eyes and the brow wrong, whereas this one got it right. If anyone has this model, please post 360 degree pics of it: