Speedy(Willa Holland)-By Waruna- Painted head update

Custom One-Sixth Figures Forum

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Apr 18, 2016
Reaction score
Hi All,
Gauging interest,

So its finally done. cast will come in two versions with and without the mask. so please comment which version you need the sculpt.

casted head would be $70

Payment details

please do mention bellow when sending money

PP Acc - [email protected]

mention Speedy
with or without mask or both

4% paypal fee not included

$18 International
$8 in the U.S.A.
$11 to Canada

You can check on the outfit from below link.


Paid List

1. **16k** - without mask - paid in full - Shipping with Lex
2. JohnEl - With Mask - Paid in full - Shipped
3. 2011m_m - Both - payment done in full - Shipped
4. Cam Kret - Masked - Payment done in full - Shipped to the painter
5. Leni81 - paid in full with mask - Shipped to the painter
6. Dimitris Elder Exarchpoulos - FB - both - Paid in full - Shipped to the painter
9. Tekkaman Blade - with mask - payment done in full - Shipped
10. Michael Mitro - FB - Paid in full for withmask - Shipped
11. toroji - - with mask - Paid in ful - Shipped
12. borjs2000 - without mask - paid in full - Shipped to the painter
13. One Sixth FigaLand - with mask - Payment done in full

interest list

1. Fhir
2. melley - With Mask
3. Gìusy Essetino - FB
4. Mr Bruce Wayne - With Mask
5. Ronaldo Chataingnier - FB
6. Erik Hooyenga - FB
7. Mohamed Mounir - FB
8. Clay Hendon - FB - With Mask
9. Wizard - with mask
10. Darxide - without mask
11. Old Grandpa - With Mask

Paint Update(WJ Yang) 14079564_339733976416115_4214494176662799063_n.jpg14021475_339733949749451_1694901616797100962_n.jpg14068170_339733926416120_3050955150710434906_n.jpg14064254_339733906416122_6741666925772332539_n.jpg14040079_339735149749331_2999856589134586590_n.jpg


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Re: Speedy(Willa Holland) - CW The Arrow - 1/6 head sculpt by Scorpia(Waruna)

I would be interested
Re: Speedy(Willa Holland) - CW The Arrow - 1/6 head sculpt by Scorpia(Waruna)

Also please update thread if you see that outfit goes up for preorder somewhere
Re: Speedy(Willa Holland) - CW The Arrow - 1/6 head sculpt by Scorpia(Waruna)

Re: Speedy(Willa Holland) - CW The Arrow - 1/6 head sculpt by Scorpia(Waruna)

I'm kinda interested but i would love to see more of your works especially the ones completed.
Re: Speedy(Willa Holland) - CW The Arrow - 1/6 head sculpt by Scorpia(Waruna)

If we can get a leather Speedy outfit for only $70, why can't we get a flash outfit that costs a relative amount?
Re: Speedy(Willa Holland) - CW The Arrow - 1/6 head sculpt by Scorpia(Waruna)

I took the liberty to try and recruit other interested partie elsewhere, I hope you don't mind.

Sooyoche, from OSW would like to be added to the list!:)
Re: Speedy(Willa Holland) - CW The Arrow - 1/6 head sculpt by Scorpia(Waruna)

How much will be the shipping to NY USA?

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Re: Speedy(Willa Holland) - CW The Arrow - 1/6 head sculpt by Scorpia(Waruna)

please , Count me in.