Speedy(Willa Holland)-By Waruna- Painted head update

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Re: Gauging interest Speedy(Willa Holland) - Arrow - 1/6 head sculpt by Scorpia(Waru

I'm interested, but would like to see an example of the sculpt before committing :)
Re: Gauging interest Speedy(Willa Holland) - WIP updated - Scorpia(Waruna)

It's a great start, but I think the shape of the tip of the nose (I think it should be more square or something) and length of the chin still need some changes. Eager to see the final result!
Re: Gauging interest Speedy(Willa Holland) - WIP updated - Scorpia(Waruna)

I would like to cancel
thank you
Re: Gauging interest Speedy(Willa Holland) - Picture/WIP update - Scorpia(Waruna)

Re: Gauging interest Speedy(Willa Holland) - Sculpt updated - Scorpia(Waruna)

Okay now I'm interested, since there are now renders.