Very nice... I like
Looking really great Johnny :rock
ooh just seen this, man jonny you have some mad skills there bro. i simple rough like that and i see sly easily. too bad i am on that waitlist!! anyway awesome job as always jonny.:clap
I think the nose needs a bit shaved of the bridge so it comes in at the sides.
Look at the first two pics i posted to see what i mean.
His nose is kind of hour glass shaped where yours is more straight.
Thats the only minor thing I can see.
I’d give him droopier eyelids or one slightly closed but thats just a suggestion and personal preference.
No offence intended it is a great sculpt as it is now.
So I guess you guys are happy with how it's looking then ?. I added some hair, will refine it and take some more pics. :wave:
It looks great so far to me too. The eyelid thing could go either way; it's more of an expression than a feature of his permanent likeness (like his nose or bone structure).
True that, I'll play with it and see the results.
Is it too late to get in on the wait list for a full set?I definitely want one.