Freaked Out!
Woohoo! Really cannot wait for this! :yess:
I keep checking the tracking information and noting has been updated in two weeks. I sure hope it gets here soon, my naked TTM 19 is getting a little worried.
Normally it takes from 15 days to 30 to reach their destinations. Last time I shipped to Washington it took a little more than a month. It's still on time :1-1:eace
Well, Arnie Kim "LIKED" my Rocky pictures over at Facebook. I can die a happy man now! @_@
High praise indeed, but your version is better imo.
Is the hat removeable or is that another hair version?
I thought the hat was fixed but if not it’s even better.
Looking forward to this bad boy
edit yup just realised its the undamaged version.
Tha last pic with the hat is so good.
Damn I want this in hand yesterday.
Seriously though hurry up
Nah I can wait take it easy don’t rush but if you wanna throw in an undamaged sculpt feel free![]()
Ok guys took some quick pics. This guy is insane your all in for a treat when yours arrive believe me! Tailored to perfection and the sculpt is just magnificent! I picked the Last Stand Wolverine body which I think bears his physique pretty well. One thing to consider if using this body is the Jeans are super super tight on it takes time and patience to get them on and looking right. I used the Carlitos Way Cubans for footwear and my initial fear they'd look too small has gone right out the window they look great!
Did you get a chance to get the Wolverine boots? I put mine on, the shape seems a little wide, but the style is good, the black is a little faded looking. What do you think?