Great pics Andrew!! :clap Loving that slab of meat! Bravo brother!
Well of course Rocco arrives yesterday and work has me in the office till 12am both last night and tonight till 11:30...but I had the energy to open the box and take a peek last night non the less and was completely blown away...JOhnny, your painting and sculpting skills are breath taking..I've been studying your paint apps for last 20minutes and just keep shaking my head :lol...this sculpt just brings out the innocence that was Rocky in the first film...completely in love with this! Aaron, thanks again man for opening up a 2nd run and coordinating the gear...these clothes are top notch and truly fit like clothes in the late 70's...I don't care what company releases this line in the future...nothing is topping the clothes and sculpt! All the suggestions and team work that went into this project really shines through!
Finally got the jeans to fit...Gareth was not kidding...these jeans on the Wolvie body need time and patience :lol
No filter!
Thanks man! And love your pics aswell, that cigarette makes him look even more amazing haha, great shots!