Took ages getting this figure together did'nt want to snag or rip anything

The pants are very tight and a bit illfitting around the bum area but I put it on a hit body so I dunno if its different to the ht one.
They fastened up ok though around the waist.
The chest is a bit flat aswell so might get another body at some point.:dunno
The shirt is fine and so is the jacket but its a bit limiting in posing as it bunchs up and is tight fitting around the armpits.
Minor niggles as this is truly gorgeous.:clap
The head sculpt is stunning and my only problem is it sits a bit high on the neck.
Again don't know if its the hit body, but dremmeled out some and its sitting a bit lower now, but think I need to take more out.
Nerves are shot did'nt want to chip the paint, or take a chunk out of the chin or hair areas by accident.
Heres some of the best pics, of many I took.
Need a better camera and lighting but these ain't bad I think.
Again thanks guys, this is truly a work of art and makes most of my other figures look ridiculous near it.:lol
Gunna have to give it, it's own shelf, to appreciate it properly.
Jaw droppingly gorgousness:yess: